System development or Technical something

commit container and re-run on docker.

After I commited container to image,
I run container by saved image again and add option to publish the container’s port(8888).

Command list

  • stop container
$ docker ps
$ docker container stop work
$ docker ps
  • commit container to image
$ docker container commit -m "add python3.5 and jupyter notebook" work xxxxxxx/centos7:python3
$ docker images
  • run container
$ docker container run -d --name work2 -p 18888:8888 xxxxxxx/centos7:python3 tail -f /dev/null
$ docker ps
$ docker exec -it work2 /bin/bash


[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
519dd98187dd        centos:7            "tail -f /dev/null"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours                             work
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker container stop work
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
[vagrant@localhost ~]$
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker container commit -m "add python3.5 and jupyter notebook" work xxxxxxx/centos7:python3
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
xxxxxxx/centos7        python3             3b592921ad24        10 seconds ago      429 MB
centos                 7                   67591570dd29        8 weeks ago         192 MB
[vagrant@localhost ~]$
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker container run -d --name work2 -p 18888:8888 xxxxxxx/centos7:python3 tail -f /dev/null
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
479c57f04b63        xxxxxxx/centos7:python3   "tail -f /dev/null"   5 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds>8888/tcp   work2
[vagrant@localhost ~]$
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ docker exec -it work2 /bin/bash
[root@479c57f04b63 /]#